Project T | From the World of Dead by Daylight

Project T is a 1–4-person PVE co-op shooter currently in early development. We’re building this game with our players, and we want you with us from the start. Be part of the team and let's make something great.

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Insider Program

We’re determined to build the kind of game you want to play, and we’re inviting you to join us in helping make Project T the best it can be. That means first-look dev updates, in-game rewards, playtest opportunities, and a place to have your voice heard through honest feedback and ideas about the project.

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Introducing Project T

Load your shotgun, ready your truck, and get set for your first taste of the world, characters, and horrors of Project T directly from the team at Midwinter Entertainment.


Easy! Just click on any “Join the Insider Program” button on this page, enter your email address, and accept the terms and conditions. You’ll automatically be enrolled in the program. More info will follow via email, as well as next steps for playtest registration when applicable.

As an Insider, you get an opportunity to help shape the kind of game you want to play. You’ll receive access to exclusive content, regular dev updates, in-game rewards, playtest opportunities, and most importantly, you’ll have a place to share your opinions and ideas.

While no strict timetable exists, it’s our commitment to keep our Insiders regularly informed with meaningful updates and communication throughout Project T’s development.

Though we can’t guarantee a spot in each playtest due to potential volume, you’ll always be able to provide feedback on the project via various polls, surveys, and through our Discord server, open to all.

Too soon to say! As indicated by its name, Project T is still currently in the very early stages of development. It is not our goal to use the Insider Program to finetune a nearly complete game, but rather to create it alongside you at a stage where your feedback can matter most.

You’re more than welcome to share content sent to you via email updates, or through our official Discord. Please note that playtests may be subject to NDAs to prevent streaming or sharing of work in progress in-game visuals and gameplay.

The world of The Entity extends well beyond the Trial Grounds. We’ve only scratched the surface of what we know, and new tales of unexplored Realms will continue to come into focus. Project T is one such story. It expands on the world of Dead by Daylight, introducing new characters, gameplay, and settings – as well as a few familiar elements for those in the know.